Over the last few years, hyaluronic acid has gone from relative obscurity to being a household name. This substance doesn’t just form the basis of cosmetic fillers, but is also a common ingredient in skincare products. What exactly has made it so popular? Its ability to retain moisture in the skin for a plump, dewy complexion. Yes, please!
Nature’s moisture molecule
Known in scientific circles as nature’s moisture molecule, this ingredient is a sugar molecule that presents as a slippery gel inside the human body. Its function is to keep your joints lubricated and your eyes moist. Around 50% of your body’s reserve, however, goes into keeping your skin hydrated and supple.
Naturally, as we age, the level of hyaluronic acid our bodies produce gradually starts to decrease. This is why it’s a good idea to add this ingredient to your skincare routine so that you can apply it topically. It can hold around one thousand times its weight in water, making it a must-have to prevent dehydrated skin.
This beloved skincare ingredient can be found in many different skincare products, ranging from facial mists to moisturisers to masks. Using it in a serum is a great way to give your skin a concentrated dose of hyaluronic acid. But it’s important that you use it correctly. If not, it can actually have the opposite effect. It is best applied to skin that is still damp so that it can trap that moisture into your skin as opposed to extracting it from your skin’s reserves.
Hyaluronic acid, despite its name, is a mild ingredient that all skin types can benefit from. If it’s plump, dewy skin you’re after, it might just become your new favourite.
Want to add this ingredient to your skincare routine? Shop products containing this popular ingredient online or at your nearest Edgars store.