Skincare Myths To Stop Believing Today, According To Dermatologists

skincare myths

Did you know that there is a best practice when it comes to looking after your skin?


Yes! Certain things that we do – or don’t do – can contribute to the condition of our complexion. Here are five common skincare myths you can stop believing today, according to dermatologists. Because when you know better, you glow better!

Myth #1: You only need sunscreen in summer

For many years, people were under the false impression that sunscreen was a summertime-only product that was only to be worn when spending time outdoors. Actually, we should be applying it daily and reapplying it every two hours if we’re going to be outside. This includes winter and inside, as we are still exposed to rays emitted from our gadget screens that can contribute to photoageing.

Uriage Bariésun Moisturizing Cream SPF50+
Uriage Bariésun Moisturizing Cream SPF50+
Fenty Skin Melt AWF Jelly Oil Cleanser
Fenty Skin Melt AWF Jelly Oil Cleanser

Myth #2: Wipes are as good as a wash

Make-up wipes have for a long time been the lazy girl’s BFF. This is because it seems like a quick and easy way to cleanse your skin thoroughly – perfect for late nights! But not so fast! Not only do they often leave traces of make-up and build-up behind, but they can also damage your skin if used too frequently (or vigorously!). Nothing compares to a real cleanse with face wash and water.

Myth #3: The more expensive, the more effective

Something that big beauty conglomerates have wanted us to believe for a long time is that the higher the price tag, the more effective the product. While skincare products that fall into the premium category might feel more luxurious to use, this doesn’t mean that they always work better than their more cost-effective counterparts. Sometimes, you’re paying for the branding and packaging rather than the actual formula!

Essence Hello, Good Stuff! Face Oil
Essence Hello, Good Stuff! Face Oil
Origins Original Skin Matte Moisturizer
Origins Original Skin Matte Moisturizer

Myth #4: Oily skin doesn’t need moisturiser

This myth has been doing the rounds for years – especially in our teenage years. Many people believe that oily skin creates enough of its own moisture and, therefore, can’t benefit from a moisturiser. Or, it could exacerbate the problem. Dermatologists disagree, claiming that all skin types should apply a cream that is designed for their skin type. A lot of them today even have mattifying properties.

Myth #5: Natural is always better for our skin

Do you pick up products that claim to be chemical-free, all-natural or organic? Sometimes this is true. Sometimes it’s not, which is known as greenwashing and is a tactic used by some brands to get in on the natural movement. Even if it is, this doesn’t guarantee that your skin will tolerate the formula any better than traditional products on the market. Nature doesn’t *always* know best!

Erborian Bamboo Super Serum
Erborian Bamboo Super Serum

Have you ever believed any of these common myths? Let us know in the comments below!


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